Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 1

Times are changing.  Every year, technology seems to have infinitely improved from the previous.  People are finding newer and faster ways of communicating.  We went from the telegraph, to the wired phone, to the cell phone, to the cordless phone, to text messaging, to instant messaging, to social media, and we will go further.  That is a fact.

Let's cut to the chase.  We have the means of communicating very quickly to other people, whether it be through text messaging, Facebook, etc.  This is all very convenient, but I believe we can get the message out quicker.  Currently we need to take our phones/laptops out, log in to whichever service we want to use, type out a message, and hit send.  What if we could do this nearly instantly and without the use of hands?  Brain-Computer Interface (BCI for short) is a new technology being used mostly in prosthetic limbs, but this technology could also be used to send and receive information to/from a computer.  It is really a simple concept (although a very complex system in practice); you really just need to send information directly from your brain to a computer.  The computer, as we know, can handle the rest.  If you can think it, you can do it.

This relates to last week's lecture on social networking because, well, it is social networking.  It would allow us to communicate instantly with Twitter, Facebook, SMS, etc and without the use of hands.  It's like taking an already "instant" means of communication and speeding it up even more.


  1. Very interesting approach using some pretty cutting edge technology. How many times have i wanted to just think the message and have it just be sent. I feel like if you could get this to work well at a basic messaging level, then it could be extrapolated into a variety of different applications. Given how new the research is on this type of technology, you would have to start small and build upon it.

  2. This is a very cool idea. Being able to just think something and not have to type anything would be great. This technology would definitely take some time to develop but it would be great. I could not imagine how many more things I could do at once.

  3. this idea is literally thought provoking. this will allow people to focus more while driving. i dont think we are very far from this technology becoming a reality. i would love the freedom to text or post things online while playiing a football game.

  4. I didn't quite understand this because to connect to these websites you still need to log in. I though it was great idea but kind of creepy it would be hard for people to accept these kind of programs being implanted in there brain. I like the idea but i still like to have face to face conversations and i like my smart phones so it would be hard for me.

  5. Very interesting idea! Everything would literally be "hands-free" when driving. But do you think it could pose possible problems because your mind is else where, compared to concentrating on driving? But regardless, people still text and drive today, so I guess it is still a "safer" means of texting/communicating.
